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Morning Prayer for Gratitude for Lawyers

Lawyers, also called attorneys or counselors, are professionals who represent and advise their clients regarding legal concerns and matters. They conduct research and analysis of people’s cases and have dedicated their lives to studying relevant laws and practices to bring justice and truth in people’s lives, making them God’s channel of blessings. They are God’s vessels that bring light to the injustice done in our lives through lawful and legal processes of the world. Such is a great reason to be thankful to God for the lives of lawyers. 

Praying for your lawyer is one of the ways to bless them, whether your lawyer is a believer or not. When a Christian prays for someone, God is always at work. Here is a morning prayer for gratitude for lawyers:

Morning Prayer for Gratitude for Lawyers

Morning Prayer for Gratitude for Lawyers

Heavenly Father, thank You, for this is the day You have made. Thank You for the life of my lawyers, who are carefully handling and professionally dealing with my case. Thank You for giving them wisdom as they help me achieve my purpose. I know that You are also continuously blessing them and their families, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Morning Prayer for Gratitude for Lawyers

Morning Prayer for Gratitude for Lawyers

You can also declare God’s Word of promise as you pray for your lawyers. You know that they need wisdom, discernment, and strength to carry out their tasks properly and righteously. 

For instance, 2 Timothy 1:7 says that God has not given us a spirit of fear but one of power, love, and a sound mind. You can declare God’s sound mind in the name of Jesus to your lawyers so that they may have clarity of thought and vision as they go through your case.

2 Timothy 1:7 says that God has not given us a spirit of fear but one of power, love, and a sound mind.

Morning Prayer for Gratitude for Lawyers

How can I pray for my lawyers?

Aside from saying a morning prayer of gratitude for your lawyers or praying for wisdom and daily strength for them, there are many other things for which you can pray. Though they are professionals in uniform, think about them when they go home; what are their personal desires, the things that can make them happy, their worries, and their fears?  

As God is calling you to pray for your lawyers, think about their personal lives and let the Holy Spirit show you their personal needs in your prayers for them. For instance, you can pray for salvation over their souls or their family members; you can pray for healing, deliverance, a personal breakthrough, or promotion in their lives

There are many other things the Holy Spirit will reveal to you as you pray for your lawyers. God knows each one that He created, and He knows every need and desire of our hearts. When you partner with the Holy Spirit every morning in your prayer, you can expect deeper things to be revealed to you as you pray.

One thing is for sure– you are a great blessing to your lawyers as you pray for their souls. They may or may not know it in this lifetime, but one day, at God’s appointed time, they’ll be grateful that you have prayed for them.

May God bless you in all your legal cases, and may God’s victory rest upon you and your lawyers as you pray in Jesus’ name each day.

Morning Prayer for Gratitude for Lawyers

Morning Prayer for Gratitude for Lawyers